Monday, December 24, 2012

Weigh In #3

336 so I have lost 4 lbs or 10 lbs in 2 weeks depending on which of the previous weigh ins you count.

Day 14 Christmas Eve

I don't know if the diet is causing any weight loss or not. I have an initial weigh in of 340 and a second weigh in of 346 but I have gone another week on the diet. So I will either get a scale for Christmas or I'll have to buy one. My thinking now is I'll have to weigh twice on it before knowing for sure if I am losing weight or not.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day Eight - Worse Day so far

Had my 2 shakes today made with blueberries and almond milk. I ate my seeds and drank soda today. I finally got up the courage to ask a doctor's office to weigh me (not my doctor just an office I had been in before.) I weighed in at 346 pounds thats right I am up 6 pounds. I have been on this diet for 8 days I have followed the letter of the diet and have been eating easily a third of what I used to eat with the 2 holiday party exceptions which I was really restrained as to what I normally would eat. I was really worried that I would not be able to continue a diet if no progress was seen. I have decided to try and continue this effort, well at least for now...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 6 pm bummer

Had a nice supper of roast pork potatoes and broccoli , then went to get a scale from a friend. Bummer it cannot weigh me yes I am too fat. Which is why I am dieting.  I am so stuck waiting to see if I have lost or not. I am totally bummed. Must find a place to weigh at tomorrow before the next Christmas Party.

Day Six Am

I woke up today and made a vanilla shake then around 1pm I realized I hadn't eaten lunch yet so here I am at 1:50pm drinking a butterscotch milkshake. As a fatboy this has not happened in a long time that I have forgotten to eat. Most of my day has been about figuring out where to eat and what to eat. I still haven't weighed myself for the week and may still be devastated to find out that I lost none or worse still gained.

Day five PM

Went to a holiday party and ate whatever I wanted. I had chip, crackers, and dip.I even had a couple of cookies. If there hadn't been someones interpretation of Reese's peanut butter cups, I probably would have still been under my caloric intake goal. The big deal for me and my diet is that I didn't need a late snack. I also think my food intake was probably half to a third of what I normally would have eaten.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day five

I had my two shakes and a celery snack. It was tough this morning my son got doughnuts and man I really wanted to eat his leftovers but I threw them out. I have a party tonight that I am going to eat whatever I want. So I am trying to get my self weighed before tonight.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day Three

Made my wife 2 nice raspberry shakes and for myself I made 2 chocolate pudding shakes. So far the pudding shakes are better for me. I put together a nice celery snack for this afternoon if I need it. Last night I had a salad with chicken, cheese, and Italian dressing. It really tasted great and filled me up.

Day Four Best Day So Far

I made raspberry vanilla shakes for my wife and butterscotch ones for me. The shakes and a celery snack with a small amount of sunflower seeds was all I needed today to make it to supper. I am really hopeful for my weigh in tomorrow although I have no idea where to go to weigh in. I asked for a scale for Christmas so I don't want to buy one. I am wondering about going to the store and acting like I am buying one just to use it. The big question is five days long enough to have lost a pound or two or do I need to wait till day 7?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 2 First Signs of Trouble already?

On the first day I used Sugar Free Jello pudding Mix to flavor the milkshake. It made the milkshake really thick and seem to give it some substance in my stomach. Today I went the easy way and just made 4 shakes at once 2 each for my wife and I. I made them the way she wanted them which was just PB2 and not any pudding mix. Today I didn't seem as full as I did yesterday at 12:30pm I was starving and all my shake was gone. I went and got more seeds and with that and soda was able to hold me over till supper. I am starving now. but it is way past supper time. I have a ton calories at 2100. but I hope to only use 1000 for supper and some for snack.

Day 2

Made a nice PB2 shake today caloric count (40+90+17) * 2 = 294 calories for breakfast and lunch. I will be enjoying seeds again for an additional 190.
Leaving me with lots of calories for supper and snack.

Day one evening

So with the addition of sunflowers seeds I was able to last until supper time. We had a nice stir fry dish. I have no idea on calories but best guess has supper just under 1000. For a late night snack I had broccoli and cheese steamer at 135 calories. I believe that the day ended with me under 2100 calories which is well under my 2700 goal.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day One

Woke up this morning and made 4 shakes, 2 for me & 2 for my wife. I made hers with PB2 and unsweetened almond milk. PB2 is powdered peanutbutter. It has half the calories and half the fat. So her shakes contained about 158 calories each. Mine had the sweetened almond milk and sugar free butterscotch jello instant pudding. So my shakes were 175 calories each. I was doing really well until about 1:30 pm. So I went and got some diet soda zero calories. I also bought sunflower seeds. The seeds have 190 calories in half the bag.  Which puts me at 540 calories so far for the day with my goal at 2700, I am  looking really good. I just need to be this good tonight and going forward.

Friday, December 7, 2012

First Shake - Trial

I tried the first shake today. It was really sweet. I used the original almond milk and the chocolate trial package that came with the shake. It was very thick, sweet, and chocolaty. It was only 158 calories and 8 oz. I thought 8 oz would be to small but because it is so thick it was almost too much. I had it at 7am and here at 9:25 am I am not hungry yet. I am having a regular lunch and supper today, tomorrow, and Sunday. The whole diet kicks off full swing on Monday. 

2700 Calorie Goal

I have a calorie goal of 2700. My weight loss package will get me 2 meals a day at 300 calories so my unshake meal still could be 1700 and I would be under the fat loss caloric intake. Which I am very happy with although it make me a little embarrassed that I had been consuming so much food and that all I really had to do was cut back like 400-500 calories a day.

Calorie Calculator

Today since the weighing I was able to go to the Calorie Calculator at Freedieting.

It said my maintenance caloric intake was 3011 and my fat loss was at 2720. So according to those experts all I have to do is be under 2700 in calories a day and I will lose weight.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today The Visalus Came

Today when I got home there was a nice sized package. It was white and I was hoping it wasn't a Christmas present for someone else.
 It was my shake mix. Yeah! I have never been more excited to try a weight loss before. I have the shake app the Facebook recipe page. I hope I can find the almond milk with its super low calorie count. Sugar free pudding mix is on the shopping list too.

Beginning Weight

I was weighed today at a doctor's office. I weighed in at 340lbs.
I have undertaken a 90 day weight loss challenge. I am hoping to get down to just under 300lbs. 40 pounds in 90 days is the intended goal. I will be really happy if I can lose 20 lbs.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Weight Loss Program Ordered

      I ordered my first package of weight loss shakes. After seeing a friend's and his wife's weight loss I became very interested in trying their system. Because of them I chose the ViSalus weight loss shakes.


      I think it is a lot like the slim fast plan I remember people being excited about when I was a kid. Weight Loss products do seem to be really fad like. I was really pissed at the Atkins Diet craze because I really enjoyed the 1lb potato at Ruby Tuesdays. They took it off the menu to appease the Atkins eaters. When they brought it back it was never the same size again for the old price I might add. So I have joined the latest fad ViSalus. My link is  I hope to post my initial weigh in weight and weekly updates on this blog.